Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Day 89: After nine boys woman is overjoyed with a daughter

Between You, Me and the Lamp Post

Day 89: After nine boys woman is overjoyed with a daughter

I tend to avoid Facebook posts because I find some of them too upsetting, but every now and then I still have a quick look. Today was such a day and I very much regret it as what I saw made my blood boil. 

Someone posted a photo and the link to an article with the headline “Mother of nine boys is overjoyed to finally have a daughter.”

While three people gave this article a thumbs up, I gave it an angry face. Who in their right mind has ten children? If it were up to me, I’d castrate that man.

Reading about such a large family raises a number of questions: where do they live? How do they manage to put food on the table? How do they manage to keep all the kids clothed? The woman obviously doesn’t work and there is no way the man can manage to feed and clothe that lot on his salary.

So, they get subsidized for housing, they get subsidized for food and subsidized for clothing.
The official word is, government-subsidized but what it actually means is … taxpayer-subsidized. We pay for their enormous house, we pay for the masses of food they consume, we pay for their clothes and we pay for the bus they drive. I assume they drive a bus as there isn’t a car large enough for a family of twelve.

I do wonder though what’s going to happen to all those kids. Will their education be taxpayer-funded too? Will we pay to send that lot to college? Other people have to work and save to send their kids to college, or the kids get part-time jobs, but not them, they will most likely get it for free.

How will they even get to study in a house full of kids? I can imagine that there’s quite a bit of noise and running around. The student can forget studying in his room, because of a lack of privacy. Worst case scenario, he’ll go to a friend’s house or to the library. Fleeing an overcrowded house will most likely lead to falling in with the wrong crowd and a life of crime. One or several of them might up in prison, once again become a burden on the taxpayers.

And what about the psychological side of this family. Right now those boys are little more than kids who can’t see past their nose, but that won’t stay that way. There will come a time when they will think … I wasn’t wanted. Mom kept having kid after kid after kid, hoping for a girl. When I was born a boy, she didn’t want me, I was a disappointment. We are all disappointments!

Finally, what kind of an effect does such a large family have on the environment. Let’s say that one child goes through 5 diapers per day, that’s 1,825 diapers per year, for ten kids that 18,250 diapers for just this one family.

Everyone knows by now that the world is overcrowded. So why allow a family to have ten kids? We are urged to control the cat and dog population and spay/neuter our animals. Why can’t a doctor do the same with people?

This woman is obviously a very selfish brat and the man a complete moron. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to breed in the first place. They’re living like kings and we’re paying for it.

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