Monday, December 9, 2019

Day 98: What's for Dinner

Between You, Me and the Lamp Post

Day 98: What's for Dinner

If ever there was a cat who loves to eat, it’s Greyson. Even though he, along with Charlotte, Holly, and Halley has a supply of dry nibbles to snack on during the day, come 6:00 p.m. Greyson feels it’s time for dinner. Dinner being wet food.

He usually sleeps the whole afternoon but around 5:00 or 5:30 he wakes up and after a quick grooming session he starts to talk. Actually, I should say, he starts to moan, because that’s what it sounds like.

He walks around the place meowing his head off. Some might think this nice, a cat that ‘talks’ but believe me, it can get a bit much. First, it’s a little meow, then a stretched moan, and eventually he turns it into an opera. 

That's when I usually ask him “Greyson, what? What is it? What do you want?” 
Then he gives me a look that says… Can’t you understand a word I’m saying?

If talking doesn’t get the desired result, Greyson switches to plan B… following me wherever I go and walking in front of my feet. I pay attention of course, but every now and then he gets in my way. When I tell him “Greyson, I nearly tripped over you. Can you move please?” I get another look, a look that says… feed me and you won’t have that problem.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t. Charlotte, Holly, Halley, and Greyson gets their food around 6:30 p.m. and not before. Greyson is resourceful though and now puts plan C into action … he jumps on the countertop and looks at me. That will do it.

Once I go to the cabinet where the cat food is kept, he comes with me. He’s in business now and he doesn’t want to miss any of it. I retrieve two cans and three plates. One plate is for Halley and Greyson, one plate for Charlotte and one plate for Holly. Holly never eats with the others, don’t ask me why she’s been like that ever since she was a kitten.

As for Charlotte… she is a very nervous cat. The slightest sound or movement and she abandons her food and goes running. So, I feed her on a separate plate in a separate room where she has peace and quiet.

As for Halley and Greyson, they don’t care what goes on around them. The world can fall apart around their ears, it’s foodie time and any tragedy will have to wait until their belly is full.

While Halley is a very quiet eater, the same cannot be said from Greyson… he smacks. Seriously, when he eats, it sounds like he’s drinking. Smack, smack, smack. When he’s finished, he makes some more funny noises by licking his lips over and over again.

Cats and their food… it's unlikely I'll ever forget to feed them.

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