Friday, October 11, 2019

Day 70: Dust, bugs or orbs?

Between You, me and the Lamp Post

Day 70: Dust, bugs or orbs?

Some thought it might be dust. Others claimed it might be bugs. Others still said they were orbs. Personally, I’m inclined to believe the latter. Before I go any further, take a look at this video and see what you think.

You’ve no doubt seen three lights, leaving a trail. Have you ever seen dust taking such a specific path? No, dust floats and certainly doesn’t leave a trail. Bugs might leave a trail in the right light conditions, except, there was no light in the living room at that time. The camera filmed via infrared. The path the ‘bugs’ take is also rather specific. One comes in from the left and curves its way to the cat tree, joined by another coming in from the center. Then one comes in from the ceiling and in one swoop jumps into the top basket of the cat tree. So that leaves us with the possibility of several orbs.

This activity is a nightly occurrence. Let’s say for argument sake that they are orbs. Sometimes there is only one, other nights there are several.

These orbs, if that’s what they are, would explain why the cats have been acting so strangely, especially Holly.

Holly often looks up at the ceiling, not just staring at it but seemingly looking at something very specific. In the process, she turns her head this way and that way, as if following something that is flying around. Other times she does more than just looking, she makes babbling sounds. Not meowing as such, but short noises. Those of you who have cats will know exactly what I mean.

Just how long we’ve had these orbs in the house we don’t know. We bought a monitor some two weeks ago and that’s when it started. That very first night the camera recorded this video. In the beginning, you’ll see Halley, but near the end of the video, you’ll see the first orb. 

There will be those who will argue that they are not orbs. In pictures, these round glowing things also show up and this is what one website had to say:

However, with higher shutter speed, those flashes off of the particles in the air show up as a bunch of orbs. They aren’t paranormal at all and are nothing to be afraid of.' 

I can understand that, but what I'm showing is not a picture, it's a video and one can clearly see how these lights follow the cats up the cat tree and up the cabinet. 

Have another look and see if you can make sense of it. 

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