Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Day 134: Puss in boots

My Project: 365 Creative Writing Prompts

Day 134: Puss in boots

Most people you meet will tell you that they have no problem remembering something that happened years ago, but don’t ask them what they had for lunch yesterday. I’m one of those people. I remember my first date, how I felt when I first sat on a horse, and what I wore to a friend’s wedding. Safe to say, there’s nothing wrong with my long-term memory. My short-term memory … hm, that’s a whole different story. For instance …

Last week I was ready to go out when I couldn’t find my shoes. As always, I turned to my son.

“Dieter, do you know where my sneakers are?”

“Where did you take them off?”

Yeah, what kind of a dumb response was that? If I knew where I had taken them off, I would just go there and put them on. It was Dieter who eventually found them. “They’re over here,” he called, “under the kitchen table.” 
Under the kitchen table? Now that was strange because I never leave my shoes in the kitchen.

The next day it was the same scenario.
"Where were my shoes?"
“Again?” Dieter asked, slightly annoyed. 
Yep, again. A search party was dispatched and this time the shoes were located deep under my bed. Once again, I thought this was strange. While I sometimes place my shoes under my bed, I never store them in a way that I can’t see them anymore.

Two days later it got even stranger. Now I found one shoe behind my bedroom door and one shoe in the laundry cabinet. Something was definitely happening, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know what kind of strange forces were at work here. Was I the victim of a ghost who was playing a prank on me?

Having had experiences with ghosts in the past, I wasn’t particularly keen on that idea. Fortunately, before I could get myself too worked up about the possibility of a spook, the truth was revealed, and its name was … Greyson.

While folding some laundry, I saw Greyson coming into my room, grabbing hold of the laces of one of my sneakers and dragging the shoe with all his might into the living room. Considering that Greyson is a 10-week-old kitten who barely weighs 1,5 kg and the shoes are twice as big as he is, this was quite a formidable task.

The question is … what was he trying to proof by stealing my shoes? Play a game of puss in boots?
Then again, the way Greyson runs and jumps it might be a good idea for him to have some supportive footwear. At the rate he’s going he’s going to wear out his poor little feet.

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