Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Day 128: Not the subtlest way to approach a lady

My Project: 365 Creative Writing Prompts

Day 128: Not the subtlest way to approach a lady

Where it comes to love, every living being has a different approach to getting themselves noticed. Some people have a bold and confident approach while others prefer something more discreet.

In the animal world, it’s not much different. Some birds will sing their little hearts out to get the feathered apple of their eye to glance their way, mammals will strut their stuff in the hope that the love of their life will agree to a date, while fishes will even change color to make themselves more attractive.

As for cats … they have their own mating ritual. Many, many years ago we had a cat called Mona. When the time came for her to choose a mate (this was before spaying became necessary) several handsome male cats would come strolling into our yard. Mona would give them the cold shoulder or worse, hiss at them.

That is until one particular cat made an appearance and then Mona would go all gaga over him. She would visibly perk up at the sight of this cat, walk up to him with her tail held high, followed by lots of rolling around on the patio.

Nowadays, responsible pet owners have their pets spayed or neutered, and even though that controls the pet population, it would seem that female cats can still fall in love.

Take Halley for instance. When she was adopted from a Toronto Cat Rescue foster mother in January of this year, she instantly bonded with Charlotte, one of our resident cats. They would sleep together, eat together, and play together whether Charlotte was in the mood or not. Where you saw Charlotte, you saw Halley; where you saw Halley, you saw Charlotte.

The months passed and while Halley is still rather fond of Charlotte it seems that she transferred some of her affections to Gabriel. The reason is rather obvious. When Halley joined our family, she was a three-month-old baby and she was looking for a mama figure in our household. Now that she’s grown into a young lady, she’s developed an interest in boys and has fallen head over heels in love with the only boy in our house ... Gabriel. Of course, the path to true love is never easy and while Halley is a pretty young thing, a big strapping young lad as Gabriel is, he’s playing hard to get.

When Halley follows him around, making soft purring noises, he acts like he doesn’t hear or see her. When she wants to curl up with him, he moves. When she wants to rub noses, he will indulge her for a few seconds and then hiss or walk away. Halley is not easily discouraged though, I can tell by her attitude and persistence that she’s going to get her man, no matter how many times he gives her the cold shoulder or sends her the message that he's not interested.

However, in all fairness to Gabriel, and before you feel sorry for Halley, he did approach her once or twice to sniff her rear end and she was having none of it. As I told Gabriel afterward … not the subtlest way to approach a lady.

Where this love affair is going remains a mystery though, Gabriel being neutered and Halley being spayed. If it's not lust, it must be love, true love.

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