Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day 42: Why do women need multiple pairs of shoes

Between You, Me and the Lamp Post

Day 42: Why do women need multiple pairs of shoes

The other day I overheard a man say to his wife ... "Why do you need another pair of shoes? You have three pairs already."

It might be difficult for some men to understand why women buy multiple pairs of shoes, but it makes perfect sense to women. A variety of shoes is needed for a variety of reasons. The number one reason being, women need them.

Imagine wearing brown shoes under brown trousers ... a stylish combination. Now imagine wearing those same brown shoes with a black pencil skirt ... a fashion disaster. Shoes need to be coordinated with the outfit.

Women need flat shoes and heeled shoes, pumps and sandals, walking shoes and stepping out shoes, boots, and sneakers.

In addition, shoes can have an impact on how a woman feels. If, for instance, she has a meeting with a client, she will reach for a shoe with a heel because heels give her a sense of power and confidence.

Other women wear beautiful shoes to attract attention. Not male attention, because men seldom notice a woman's shoes, but female attention. What can be nicer than sitting down somewhere, crossed legged, casually bouncing a dangling foot and hearing the words 'Nice shoes' from a passing woman?

Shoes make legs also look more beautiful. If you were to see a woman in a dress, wearing sneakers chances are you wouldn't give her a second look. Yet let that same woman wear cute little sandals under that very same dress and she might be on the receiving end of wolf-whistles. Men might not notice shoes, but they do notice legs.

Shoes also have an uplifting effect on a woman's mood. Let her walk around in flats and she will feel ordinary. Let her slip her feet in heels and she will feel sexy. For instance, there's something about a pair of red shoes that can turn a conscientious office worker into a little flirt.

Women also love shoes because they always fit. Trying on shoes is not a struggle in a tiny cubicle where the fit may or may not flatter, shoes are guaranteed to make a woman look and feel good.

Finally, high heel shoes are the solution to, shall we say, petite women everywhere. Those extra few inches lift them up to where they want to be.

Then again, what woman needs a reason to buy a pair of shoes? They are cute, they come in some many different styles and colors and when a shoe store has a sale going on, what woman can walk away?

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