Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 75: Happy New Year

My Project: 365 Creative Writing Prompts

Day 75: Happy New Year

It’s January 1st and I would like to wish all my readers all a happy, healthy and contented New Year.

When I read the wishes that are flying around on social media, and the resolutions being made, it always amazes me the kind of effect a new year has on people. 

Today we're getting a fresh start, but if you think about it, we get lots of fresh starts over the year. Every 30 days or so we start a new month, every 7 days we start a new week, and after every night dawns a brand-new day. Yet February, Monday or any other month or day of the week comes and goes without anyone taking any notice. It’s only January 1st that has people hopeful, forgiving, and in the best of spirits.

Even though we wish each other a happy New Year, chances are, we’ll hit a few snags along the way. People will die, people will get sick, lose loved ones, lose possessions, lose jobs. Along with smiles, tears will fall. So here are my New Year’s wishes to you.

If you’re sick, I hope you’ll get better soon. That you get up from whatever has you feeling down, and start whistling a tune.

If you’re unemployed, I hope you’ll get work. And with any luck, your boss won't turn out to be a jerk.

If your bank account can do with a boost, I hope you’ll get a windfall. Be careful though that your newly acquired wealth doesn’t become your downfall.

If you’re struggling with a problem, I hope it gets sorted out. Whether it’s something you need to talk or write about.

If you wish for anything in particular, I hope you get what you desire. Don’t overthink it, just go for what you want to acquire.

If life seems bleak and you feel you have reason to complain, keep in mind that the sunshine will come after this time of rain.

Be kind to yourself and to others, we are all mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers.

Now that 2017 has been laid to rest, all we can do is give 2018 a warm welcome and hope for the best.

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