Project: 365 Creative Writing Prompts
136: Halley and the geese
just dawned on me that it’s been a while since I’ve given you an update on the 2.5-million-dollar
project. The
last two pictures I posted were these:

about two weeks after these pictures were taken, I didn’t see anything
happening. Not that the men weren’t working, they were – as I now realize –
busy placing supports in the parking garage in preparation for the next phase
of the project.
then on, the pit just became bigger and bigger.
noise of the jackhammer (white machine on the far left) is deafening. The works
starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. and continues until 5:00 or even 6:00 p.m. I try
not to let it bother me, but after a few hours this is getting more and more
difficult. More so because watching something on TV is impossible as I can’t
understand the dialogue. The same with listening to an eBook, I can’t
concentrate on the narrator.
Halley has a hard time dealing with the noise. She was sitting on the ledge, watching the men at work, and
her eyes were clearly asking … what are
they doing?
She was trying to attract the attention of one of the men with an “Hey
you! Can you keep it down a bit? Some of us are trying to sleep up here.”
When that didn’t work she decided to call on a higher power with a “Please
God, make it stop!”
Friday the noise did stop for a little while as the foreman came to inspect the
site and he and the six men took a stroll in and around the pit. While one of
the workers did a lot of gesturing, the foreman stood with his hands on his
hips bobbing his head. He seemed pleased with the progress.
on Saturday, a different kind of inspector and his entourage came to take a
look at the works. I heard a strange noise, went to take a look and there they were ... five Canadian geese, casually taking a
stroll along the construction site.
Not one but five of those big birds were just waddling along, seemingly belonging to nobody. Now that was of interest to Halley.
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